Your cpu is incompatible with virtualization technologies

Ошибка Host CPU is incompatible with the virtual machine’s requirements at CPU > 20.10.2014 Vmware, VirtualBox 6 комментариев

Ошибка Host CPU is incompatible with the virtual machine’s requirements at CPU >

При попытке мигрировать с помощью vMotion виртуальной машины с одного хоста на другой выходит ошибка Host CPU is incompatible with the virtual machine’s requirements at CPUID level 0x1 register ‘eax’

Смысл ее сводится к тому , что процессоры немного не совместимы друг с другом:) поможет это решить функция EVC.

Переходим в настройки нашего кластера для этого жмем Edit settings.

Чтобы это обойти можно включить VMware EVC (Enhanced vMotion Compatibility) идем в пункт vMware EVC.

Щелкаем по пункту Change EVC Mode и выбираем вашу архитектуру, в моем случае это Interl. Выбираю Intel Westmere Gen

Кстати забыл написать. Главное перед включением EVC необходимо выключить ВМ, на том хосте, который по функциям будет выравниваться. Обычно хост с более новыми CPU выравнивается под более старые CPU другого хоста. Запутано, возможно, простота в том, что мастер сам вам подскажет на каком хосте нужно вырубить ВМ.

После применения EVC можно спокойно мигрировать машины между хостами в кластер

После того как процесс перемещения закончен, нужно отключить EVC Mode.

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6 Responses to Ошибка Host CPU is incompatible with the virtual machine’s requirements at CPU >

Добрый день.
Столкнулся с такой проблемой. Есть два сервера m3 и m4 под esxi 5.5 в vcenter добавлены в один datacenter. Настроен vMotion. Перенес все вм с m4 на m3 кроме vCenterServer, т.к на m3 нет больше ресурсов. На m4 поменял процы на v2. При обратной миграции получаю ошибку

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CPUID details: incompatibility at level 0x1 register ‘ecx’.
Host bits: 0110:0010:1001:1000:0010:0010:0000:0011
Required: x0xx:xx1x:10×1:1xx0:xxxx:xx1x:xxxx:xx11

пробовал поместить хосты esxi в кластер. m3 выдает ошибку

The host’s CPU hardware does not support the cluster’s current Enhanced vMotion Compatibility mode. The host CPU lacks features required by that mode.

m4 тоже не могу добавить в кластер, тк не могу остановить vcenter)).

подскажите, есть еще какое либо решение перенести вм c m3 на m4 в моем случае. Спасибо

Только миграция на холодную, вылюченную виртуальную машину

на холодную выдает

The operation is not allowed in the current connection state of the host.

Вы хост ESXI перезагружали недавно или были ли пурпурные экраны смерти? Такое ощущение, что ваша виртуальная машина еще находится в каком-то состоянии выполнения действия. Попробуйте перезапустить службу VMware vCenter Server

спасибо за оперативную подсказку. Все получилось после перезапуска службы

The first time I ran Genymotion virtual device, it had worked. But when I tried running it today, I got this error message

What may have changed from the last time I used it? Will be grateful for any solutions that I can get. Thanks.

My Device Info: Dell XPS L502X Sandy Bridge motherboard Intel Core i5-2410M @2.30 GHz Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

18 Answers 18

You need to turn virtualization on.

  1. Reboot the notebook.
  2. Instantly press F10 to enter BIOS settings (or F2 depending on your PC)
  3. Check the settings and look for Intel Virtualization Technology (Aliases: Intel VT-x).
  4. Turn it on then save and exit. You could use F10 to save and exit.

This will enable you to use virtualization and enable VirtualBox. Therefore your emulator will hopefully work.

I’ve solved my problem just turning off the Hyper-V on Windows Features.

Another way to receive this message is because you are running another application that use VT-x like the Android Emulator from Android Studio. If you open Virtualbox and try to start the VM you will get this error message. Solution: Close the other emulator and try again.

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For me the following worked:

Disable/uncheck "Enable VT-x/AMD-v" in the virtual device’s Settings-> System -> Acceleration

Solution for windows 10: Control Panel → Programs → Turn Windows components on or off. Uncheck the Hyper-V option and click OK.

I’ve also seen this exact same error dialog (for the first time ever) today after upgrading to the latest versions of both VirtualBox and GenyMotion. Nothing else on my system has changed. It’s not the best answer in the world, but after trying a few other suggestions I came across, I found that simply cancelling the dialog and restarting the virtual Genymotion device (either via Android Studio or via the Genymotion console) resolved the problem.

  1. Open VirtualBox
  2. If you find a similarly named device "Inaccessible" or any other state than "switched off", stop it or remove it.
  3. Start the device from Genymotion
  1. Feel Happy 🙂

i just decreased the amount of base memory used by the machine in virtualbox manager settings > System > Base Memory and it worked.

In VirtualBox settings > System disable I/O, EFI, UTC and AMD-V. And Settings > Network > Promiscuous Mode modify in all.

I had to deactivate ‘Memory Integrity‘ of Windows 10 (1803) ‘Core Isolation’ Feature of Windows Defender. It is deactivated by default, and for some odd reason I had forgotten I had switched it on recently.

I also checked that in VirtualBox -> Your virtual machine -> Settings -> System -> Acceleration -> ‘Enable VT-x/AMD-v’ and ‘Enable nested paging’ are activated, Hyper-V is not installed and virtualization is turned on in BIOS.

There is an explaining article on HowToGeek explaining that aformentioned Memory integrity feature:

Execute the following command in cmd opened as administrator to disable hyper-v and then reboot the machine:

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I don’t know why disabling hyper-v from system preferences doesn’t work for me, only the command works for me. Also I had to close Docker first to execute the command.

I fixed it in VirtualBox: Setting > System > Disable checkbox "Nested Paging"

One more correct answer is that recent versions of Genymotion support only 64bit CPU and that will cause the same error.

I’ve seen this exact same error dialog on the first install. I changed my BIOS settings and it worked but after a month the same error occurred.

  1. Open VirtualBox Manager
  2. Settings > Network > Promiscuous Mode
  3. Change from "deny" to "allow"

For me the solution was to close another emulator which was open.

None of the solution worked for me. This is what solved the issue:

  1. Turn on Hyper-V in Windows Features.
  2. Restart PC.
  3. Turn off Hyper-V in Windows Features.
  4. Restart PC.

I have solved this issue not just by enabling VT-x but also by enabling VT-d (Virtualization Technology for directed I/O) in BIOS

I Had The Same Problem And I Solve It By Turning Off The Hyper -v In Windows Programs And Features. Now I Can Start Any Virtual Device From Both Android Studio And Genymotion.

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I’m getting an error as ‘Your CPU is incompatible with virtualization technologies’ while running an emulator in kali linux VM running a 64-bit windows 10. The error comes while running both android studio and Genymotion. I have ebaled VT-x in BIOS and Hyper-V is disabled.

Unable to start the virtual device.

VirtualBox cannot start the virtual device.

Your CPU is incompatible with virtualization technologies.

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