Webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen iframe

Iam trying to include a Vimeo Iframe in a webpage like this (JSX Code):

What gets rendered is this:

How can I implement the needed mozAllowFullScreen and webkitAllowFullScreen Attributes? In the React Docs (https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/dom-elements.html#all-supported-html-attributes) is only the allowfullscreen Attribute mentioned?

2 Answers 2

Try to pass true as a string. This works for me (React 16):

Атрибут allowfullscreen разрешает для фрейма полноэкранный режим.



Значение по умолчанию

По умолчанию этот атрибут выключен.



Internet Explorer поддерживает атрибут -ms-allowfullscreen .

Chrome до версии 27 и Safari поддерживают атрибут -webkit-allowfullscreen .

Firefox до версии 18 поддерживает атрибут -moz-allowfullscreen .

Браузеры ?

11 12 17 27 15 7 9 18


В таблице браузеров применяются следующие обозначения.

  • — элемент полностью поддерживается браузером;
  • — элемент браузером не воспринимается и игнорируется;
  • — при работе возможно появление различных ошибок, либо элемент поддерживается с оговорками.

Число указывает версию браузреа, начиная с которой элемент поддерживается.


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kashifimran commented Jun 29, 2016 •

Expected behavior.

After setting $.FroalaEditor.DEFAULTS.htmlAllowedAttrs = $.FroalaEditor.DEFAULTS.htmlAllowedAttrs.concat([‘webkitallowfullscreen’, ‘mozallowfullscreen’, ‘allowfullscreen’]) I expect Froala would not remove these attributes.

Actual behavior.

The above attributes are removed.

Steps to reproduce the problem.

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stefanneculai commented Jun 30, 2016

Most probably you are not setting those attributes correctly, adding that code after initializing the editor. Could you please make a jsFiddle?

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kashifimran commented Jun 30, 2016 •

Thanks for your response Stefan. I am not able to set up jsFiddle, as I get the "unlicensed error". Is there a key to be used on jsFiddle?

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Anyhow, the thing is that I am doing all initialization in one place and other things are working. The only thing not working is the above.

Here’s how I am setting it up (before initializing any editor).

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stefanneculai commented Jun 30, 2016

You can just create a jsFiddle and ignore the unlicensed message. That doesn’t limit any of the editor’s features. Just set a height to the editor so that it makes the editable area high enough.

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kashifimran commented Jun 30, 2016

Hi again, I found out the issue. A security library I am using deep down the line was stripping those. Thank you so much for your help & sorry for wasting your time!

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