Some files could not be created перевод

I have been trying to install Navisworks Manage 2013 (64bit) on my laptop, but when the install process gets to the same point " Extracting zh_TW " (see screen grab below) a popup appears saying;

Some files could not be created. Please close all applications, reboot Windows and restart the application

I have tried installing Simulate and Freedom instead and I get the same problem at the same point.

I tried reducing the length of the installation folder name to C:NM to see if the longer file name was the issue — but same problem.

Any ideas? Getting desperate now.

Welcome to Autodesk Discussion Group. I will help you with your problem.

Your issue happened during the installation files extracted,from the image, seems some files corrupted. Where did you get the installation files? subscription center or download somewhere? did you try to extract it on another machine,if it works? Or please try to redownload NM from your sub center and retry to install,you can try to save the download in your harddisk, after download completed,click the .exe to extract it.

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Manage and Simulate were downloaded from Sub-Center this week , Freedom from the Autodesk website.

I have seen a problem lik this, not with the folder you install to,

but the solution was to rename and shorten the path your deployment starts from:

The longest path in the deplyment is

AdminImagex86NAVMANAutodeskNavisworks Manage 2013api

which is 142 charaters long.

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The total lenght of our path should be less than 256 charaters, my guess

Thanks for the reply, but I had already tried that by copying the dployment to a folder named NM13 on the C drive of the workstation. I thought that would be short enough. but same problem.

Moving a deployment does not change the deployment.

In my experience, you need to re-create the deployment if you want it to start from another location.

Try creating a new deployment, make it custom andleave out the AutoDesk Materials Liberary.

anyone has any idea why i cant install itunes on my computer? i tried the itunes cd and itunes from and everytime i try to install it, i get an error:

ERROR: some files could not be created. Please close all applications, reboot windows and restart this installation.

We are develop backend on .net core + EF Core and our services run under IIS on web server, The frontend we develop on Swift (app on iPAD) Our customers to used the server all the time (daytime and nighttime) We can’t stop services on IIS when we have new update patch.


  1. How we can overwrite dll files on IIS when our customer still used the services.
  2. How we can update new update patch on the server and don’t stop the application pool / stop services on IIS.
  3. We can’t use ONE customer per ONE application pool, because we have more customers on one server, we can’t use this solution.
  4. If you have other solutions for resolve on the problem please suggestion with us.
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