Select command denied to user

Регулярно сталкиваюсь проблемой phpMyAdmin в VestaCP

При попытке открыть таблицу не под рутом, всплывает ошибка SELECT command denied to user . for table ‘pma_table_uiprefs’

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In my website, I am using MySQL database. I am using a webservice where in I do all my database related manipulations.

Now In one of the methods of that webservice, I get the following Error.

select command denied to user »@» for table »

What could be wrong?

Below is the code where I get that error. I tried debugging and found that it fails at the line

MySqlDataReader result1 = command1.ExecuteReader();

Here is my code:

13 Answers 13

database user does not have the permission to do select query.

you can grant the permission to the user if you have root access to mysql

Your second query is on different database on different table.

And the user you are connecting with does not have permission to access data from this database or this particular table.

Have you consider this thing?

I’m sure the original poster’s issue has long since been resolved. However, I had this same issue, so I thought I’d explain what was causing this problem for me.

I was doing a union query with two tables — ‘foo’ and ‘foo_bar’. However, in my SQL statement, I had a typo: ‘’

So, instead of telling me that the ‘’ table doesn’t exist, the error message indicates that the command was denied — as though I don’t have permissions.

Hope this helps someone.

select command denied to user »@» for table »

This problem is a basically generated after join condition are wrong database name in your join query. So please check the your select query in join table name after database.

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Then solve it for example its correct ans ware

The join table is imputable and applyleave on the same database but online database name is diffrent then given error on this problem.

This problem happened to me because I had the hibernate.default_schema set to a different database than the one in the DataSource.

Being strict on my mysql user permissions, when hibernate tried to query a table it queried the one in the hibernate.default_schema database for which the user had no permissions.

Its unfortunate that mysql does not correctly specify the database in this error message, as that would’ve cleared things up straight away.

You need to grant SELECT permissions to the MySQL user who is connecting to MySQL. See:

I had the exact same error message doing a database export via Sequel Pro on a mac. I was the root user so i knew it wasn’t permissions. Then i tried it with mysqldump and got a different error message: Got error: 1449: The user specified as a definer (‘joey’@’’) does not exist when using LOCK TABLES

Ahh, I had restored this database from a backup on the dev site and I hadn’t created that user on this machine. "grant all on . to ‘joey’@’’ identified by ‘joeypass’; " did the trick.

If you are working from a windows forms application this worked for me

Just add the "Use Procedure Bodies=false" at the end of your connection string.

I have got this error message in Vesta Control Panel, in phpMyAdmin:

SELECT command denied to user »@’localhost’ for table ‘pma_table_uiprefs’

I have already tried to solve with this command:

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1 Answer 1

I wonder if your has a properly configured controluser. The error message (indicating that permission was denied for user ») suggests some problem with your configuration file or the controluser itself.

Please look for the two controluser lines which should read as:

If they are there and correct, please try connecting as that account from the command line client (on the same machine running phpMyAdmin) to see if you can manually USE the phpmyadmin database and that the table pma_table_uiprefs exists.

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