Wpa psk wordlist 3 final

In general, it’s said that using a GOOD ‘dictionary’ or ‘wordlist’ (as far as I know, they’re the same!) is ‘key’. But what makes them GOOD? Most people will say ‘the bigger, the better’; however, this isn’t always the case. (for the record this isn’t my opinion on the matter — more on this later).


Other than a mass of download links, this post also contains pretty pictures and confusing numbers which shows the break down of statistics regarding 17 wordlists. These wordlists, which the original source(s) can be found online, have been ‘analysed’, ‘cleaned’ and then ‘sorted’, for example:

  • Merged each ‘collection’ into one file(minus the ‘readmes’ files)
  • Removed leading & trailing spaces & tabs
  • Converted all ‘new lines’ to ‘Unix’ format
  • Removed non-printable characters
  • Removed HTML tags(Complete and common incomplete tags)
  • Removed (common domains)email addresses
  • Removed duplicate entries
  • How much would be used if they were for ‘cracking WPA(Between 8-63 characters)

It may not sound a lot — but after the process, the size of most wordlists are considerably smaller!


Before getting the the results, each wordlist has been sorted differently rather than ‘case sensitive A-Z’.

Each wordlist was:

  • Split into two parts‘Single or two words’ and ‘multiple spaces’.
  • Sorted by the amount of times the word was duplicatedTherefore higher up the list, the more common the word is.
  • Sorted again by ‘in-case sensitive A-Z’.
  • Joined back together — Single or two words at the start.

The reason for splitting into two parts was that ‘most’ passwords are either one or two words (containing one space in them). Words which have multiple spaces are mainly due to ‘mistakes’ with when/how the wordlists was created. So having them lower down, should increases the speed the password is discovered, without losing any possibility.

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The justification of sorting by duplicated amount was the more common the word is, the higher the chance the word would be used! If you don’t like this method, you can sort it yourself back to case sensitive A-Z, however it can’t be sorted how it was — due to the lists not having (hopefully) any duplicates in them!

When removing HTML tags and/or email addresses, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t effective. If the word has contained some HTML tags and it was still unique afterwords, it wouldn’t change the line numbers, it would improve the wordlist & it still could be unique It is also worth mentioning, due to a general rule of ‘search & replace’, it COULD of removed a few false positives. It is believed that the amount removed to the predicted estimated amount is worth it. For example instead of having three passwords like below, it would be more worth while to have just the two passwords:

Download links for each collection which has been ‘cleaned’ is in the table below along with the results found and graphs. ’17-in-1′ is the combination of the results produced from each of the 17 collections. The extra addition afterwords (18-in-1), is a mixture of random wordlists (Languages (AIO), Random & WPA/WPA2) which I have accumulated. You can view & download them here (along with all the others!). ’18-in-1 [WPA]’, is a ‘smaller’ version of 18-in-1, with JUST words between 8-63 characters.

Large Password Lists (Torrent)

Large Password Lists (HTTP Direct Download)

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Для взлома паролей у вас может быть два варианта

1. Атака по словарю

2. Атака брутфорс

Атака по словарю намного быстрее, по сравнению с атакой Brute Force (Существует еще один метод под названием «Радужные таблицы», он похож на атаку по словарю).

Чтобы добиться успеха в атаке по словарю, нам нужен большой список паролей.

Вот список из 1 717 681 паролей & Больше (Бесплатно скачать):

Если вы не получили требуемый пароль в этом словаре или файле, вы можете ознакомиться с нашим учебным пособием по для создания собственного списка паролей.

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