Windows 10 ltsb edge

I recently got a new machine at work and decided to install Windows 10 Enterprise ‘LTSB’. Mostly I like its similarity to Windows 7 and its stability. However, very few organizations even know that LTSB exists. One of the consequences of that is that many web sites are threatening to drop support for Internet Explorer. Some of them even think that because I’m on Windows 10, I must have Edge already installed (see Not true with LTSB. Not only that, I cannot install it through normal means. I use Edge at home, and while it has its flaws, it’s the default browser for many, many of our customers, so I’d like to be able to run it, if only just for testing purposes. When I go to the Microsoft Edge homepage and click Try Now , after giving permission to open an app, I get the following error:

The pop-up window has an OK button, which is greyed out and doesn’t respond. I see no way to get past this and actually install Edge.

Is there any way to install Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB?

2 Answers 2

. the reason Microsoft won’t provide Edge to Enterprise users on LTSB is because the company expects to roll out new features and feature updates to Edge on a regular basis. That means it would be kind of pointless to include the evolving Edge browser if it’s not going to be updated.

This is further confirmed by recent Google Searches, where responses from MS staff are that the following will not be included in LTSB:

Microsoft Edge, Windows Store client, Cortana (limited search capabilities remain available), Microsoft Mail, Calendar, OneNote, Weather, News, Sports, Money, Photos, Camera, Music, and Clock. Therefore, it’s important to remember that Microsoft has positioned the LTSB model primarily for specialized devices.

LTSB is intended for special scenarios and not for the average desktop, even in a tightly-controlled corporate environment. LTSB is designed for use in Kiosks and other very-special-use systems. The "Long Term" in it’s name made lots of big-organization IT groups happy as they thought they’d get some long-term consistency from an OS they could run on their user’s computers, but that’s not what MS intended this system for.

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Недавно я получил новую машину на работе и решил установить Windows 10 Enterprise «LTSB». В основном мне нравится его сходство с Windows 7 и его стабильность. Однако очень немногие организации даже знают, что LTSB существует. Одним из последствий этого является то, что многие веб-сайты угрожают отказаться от поддержки Internet Explorer. Некоторые из них даже думают, что, поскольку я нахожусь в Windows 10, я должен установить Edge (см. ). Не верно для LTSB. Не только это, я не может установить его обычными средствами. Я использую Edge дома, и, хотя у него есть свои недостатки, это браузер по умолчанию для многих, многих наших клиентов, поэтому я хотел бы иметь возможность запускать его, если только для тестирования. Когда я перехожу к Домашняя страница Microsoft Edge и нажмите Try Now , после предоставления разрешения на открытие приложения, я получаю следующую ошибку:

Во всплывающем окне есть кнопка ОК, которая неактивна и не отвечает. Я не вижу возможности преодолеть это и фактически установить Edge.

Есть ли способ установить Microsoft Edge на Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB?

So I’m running on Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB, which doesn’t automatically come with Edge.

Is it possible to install edge on this version of windows 10?

2 Answers 2

Basically converting MC10’s comment into an answer:

But the reason Microsoft won’t provide Edge to Enterprise users on LTSB is because the company expects to roll out new features and feature updates to Edge on a regular basis, as both Gartner and Microsoft officials note. That means it would be kind of pointless to include the evolving Edge browser if it’s not going to be updated.

This is further confirmed by recent Google Searches, where responses from MS staff are that the following will not be included in LTSB:

Microsoft Edge, Windows Store client, Cortana (limited search capabilities remain available), Microsoft Mail, Calendar, OneNote, Weather, News, Sports, Money, Photos, Camera, Music, and Clock. Therefore, it’s important to remember that Microsoft has positioned the LTSB model primarily for specialized devices.

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