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An IP lookup is the service to find out location of any IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) and more details about the owner of the device.
The result of IP Address Lookup may include the name of country, country code, city, state or region, zip or postal code, ISP and Organization, time zone, latitude/longitude, host, namesevers, speed connection, proxy detection, and the device information such as operating system, remote port, browser language and browser type.

You can use our tool, for example, to determine location and make sure an individual is located where they say they are in order to avoid fraud.

It is sometimes useful to know whether somebody is contacting you from the USA, the UK, Nigeria or China for example. Our IP locator tool is the right tool to know IP location from any IP address or Domain.

What is a Reverse IP?

With IP lookup locator tool from you can find Domain, location and search for additional information from any IP address or Domain Name such an reverse DNS ( using inverse address for IPs version 4 and for IPs version 6 ), Hostname, ASN, Nameservers, Timezone etc.

Reverse IP, among other tools, is very handy tool for searching how many domains are associated with same IP.

What is a Whois Lookup Service?

And if you are looking for Domain Lookup and would like to search and find out WHOIS the real owner of any domain name then is our Whois Lookup tool very powerful way to give you all information about owner of domain or any IPv4 and IPv6 address.

Enter an IP address or Domain to lookup and search its location.

You may want to print these instructions before proceeding, so that you can refer to them while downloading and installing Java. Or, just keep this document in your browser. You should read each step completely before performing the action that it describes.

This document shows downloading and installing Java 8 update 221 on Windows 10 in Summer 2010. You should download and install the latest version of Java. The current latest (as of Summerd 2019) is Javal 8 update 221.

Remember that you must install Java, Python, and Eclipse all as 64-bit applications (for some, like Eclipse, you have no choice).

The following instructions were composed for installing Sun Java 1.8.0_221 (aka Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 8, Update 221). The version you download may be newer. The current is Version 8 Update 144.

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The Java download requires about 76 MB of disk space; keep it on your machine, in case you need to reinstall Java (not likely necessary). When installed, Java requires about an additional 160 MB of disk space.

Remember that you must install Java, Python, and Eclipse all as 64-bit applications (for some, like Eclipse, you have no choice). —>


The following page will appear in your browser.

Click the third red-bulleted item Windows Offline. This is the 64-bit edition.

The following pop-up window titled Opening jre-8u221-windows-x64.exe will appear.

Click the Save File button.

This file should start downloading into your standard download folder. This file is about 76 Mb, so it may take a few minutes to download.

The file should appear as

Terminate the window browsing the Java download page.

Move this file to a more permanent location, so that you can install Java (and reinstall it later, if necessary).

  • Start the Installing instructions directly below.
  • Installing

    1. Double click the jre-8u221-windows-x64.exe file that you just downloaded and moved.

    When run, a User Account Control pop-up window may appear on your screen. I could not capture its image, but it asks, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device.

    Click the Yes button.

    A Java Setup — Welcome pop-up window will appear.

    Click the Install > button.

    A Java Setup — Progress pop-up window will appear, with the following message at the top of the window: Status: Installing Java

    A green progress bar will appear, showing the progress as it installs Java, and will finally disappear (on my machine this took about 30 seconds).

      If a Java Setup — Uninstall out-of-date versions pop-up window appears

    Click the Uninstall > button; if you are concerned that other software you have may need an older verison of Java, click the Not Now button. You may want to click the More information link, which recommends uninstalling older versions of Java.

    I clicked Uninstall > and the following pop-up window was displayed while it unistalled the second version.

    It unsintalled two out-of-date versions, and the following Java Setup — Complete pop-up window appeared.
    (I forgot to capture the picture; here is the picture from the previous time I updated Java).

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    A Java Setup — Complete pop-up window will appear.

    If you know how to bring up system prompt/cmd window, you can test the Java installation by typing java -version to the prompt and pressing the Enter key. It should show the following.

    After seeing this message (look for java version "1.8.0_221" on the line after the command) or an error message, type exit in the cmd.exe window and press the Enter key.

    The installed files are typically stored (in Windows) in the folder C:Program FilesJava. Inside this folder should be the folder: jre1.8.0_221, which itself should contain a bin and lib folder, and some miscellaneous .txt and a Welcome.html file.

    You can now follow the instructions to download and install Python and then the Eclipse IDE.

    Is this website down for everyone or just me?

    Is sdlc esd down for everyone or just me? Our website down tool checks url’s reachability in real-time. This page lets you quickly find out if it is down (right now) for other users as well, or you are experiencing some kind of network connection error. Please allow us a few seconds to finish the test.




    (this may take a few seconds)


    Last updated @ 01/17/2020 15:42:58

    Test finished in 0.26 seconds.


    Unfortunately we did not receive a 200 OK HTTP status code as a response. This means that the website is currently unavailable and down for everybody (not just you) or you have entered an invalid domain name for this query. Possibly the web server is down, overloaded, unreachable (network problem), or a website or server maintenance is in progress right now. This could also indicate a DNS lookup problem as well (incorrect settings and configuration of the DNS servers) or other hosting related issues.


    Having problem loading If you noticed sdlc esd not working or received a cannot connect to sdlc esd error message, then you came to the right place. This page is trying to establish a connection with the domain name’s web server to perform a network independent sdlc esd down or not test. If the site is up, try the troubleshooting tips below, but if the site is down, there is not much you can do. Read more about what we do and how do we do it.

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    Check your internet connection. A bad router (or similar software or even ISP) configuration of your network could cause this error.

    Check your browser settings to be sure that the site or IP address is not denied or disabled. Also check proxy settings as well.

    Some security softwares automatically deny certain websites. Disable them for 5 minutes and try to load the webpage.

    If an other device can connect to the host on the same network, this could indicate an operating system error or misconfiguration.

    Finally, the mother of all solutions is: the reset. Restarting your device solves more than 50% of all errors. Doesn’t it?


    Expired domain name, bad DNS configuration or client side (web browser or ISP) DNS Cache settings could cause a problem.

    As with any computer, the smallest software or hardware failure on the web server may result in website outage.

    An 5xx ERROR message is displayed (500 Internal Error is the most common) in case of bad server configuration.

    Hosting companies have problems too. 99.9% uptime means, there is

    9 hours of downtime in a year.

    From (common) unpaid bills to an unfortunate natural disaster (cut wires), there are plenty of reasons why is sdlc esd down right now.


    Wait a few minutes

    Most likely it is a temporary problem with the host or web server and the problem should be resolved shortly. Just wait a few minutes then try again later.

    Search for official feeds and announcements for the website involved. Major downtimes (which are not fixed within minutes) are usually reported or tweeted.

    Search social networks like twitter or facebook to see if other people experienced problems with or not.

    If you know the e-mail address, you could contact the website (or webmaster) for further information. Popular e-mail prefixes: info@, mail@, admin@, contact@, webmaster@ and office@.

    Find similar alternative for the website that is not loading.

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