Bash git command not found

I am trying to install local gridstudio using git bash in windows 10. When I run ./ , I got the following

Then I went to , the browser said it can’t reach this page. I am doing exactly what this installation tells to do.

How do I fix this issue?

the gridstudio has been successfully downloaded and resolved

When I attempt to run git —version (or any git command) in git-bash, I get the following error:

In Windows, I have C:Program FilesGitcmd in my Path system variable.

I have created a shortcut on my desktop for git-bash. In its properties, I have removed the —cd-to-home flag from the Target executable, and changed the "Start in" directory to one that is a git repository: D:my-proj .

When I open git-bash from this shortcut, pwd returns /d/my-proj as expected. However, I still get the bash: git: command not found issue.

Running env from git-bash, I found a couple interesting things:

  1. HOME and HOMEDRIVE are set to /z/ and Z: , respectively.
  2. PATH is set to .:/z//bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/X11R5/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sas/tools/com
  3. ORIGINAL_PATH seems to point to my Windows path variable, but it includes /mingw64/bin:/usr/bin:/z/bin , and does not show a path to Git.

It seems that my git-bash isn’t playing nicely with my Windows path variables, but I’m not sure how to set them so I can run Git commands from git-bash. Any advice?


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everetr commented Nov 3, 2017 •

tl;dr, In the book, can you consider telling Windows users to select "Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt" when installing Git? I believe it prevents the following headache.

I ran into the error described here. My scenario:

  • Windows 10 (64-bit). Had latest versions of R ("short summer") and RStudio (1.1.383).
  • Had latest version of Git from here.
  • Running which git in Git Bash returned the git.exe location.
  • I was able to run all git commands in Git Bash with no errors. Could set username and email.
  • I then opened an existing R project already under version control in RStudio ("Git" menu was visible).
  • Running which git gave a really long error message.
  • Running git —version and git config —global —list threw the error, bash: git: command not found .
  • I confirmed that "Version control system:" in Tools > Project Options > Git/SVN was set to "Git".
  • I confirmed that "Git executable" in Tools > Global Options > Git/SVN was set to the same exact path as shown by running which git in Git Bash.
  • I confirmed that the “Use Git Bash as shell for Git projects” box in Tools > Global Options > Git/SVN was ticked. Edit: This option is not in RStudio v1.1.383. My confusion.
  • Name of the Rstudio git shell window was MSYS , not cmd.exe nor MINGW64 , as you warned in the book here.
  • Re-installed git from here (did not uninstall).
  • During installation, selected "Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt" (different from default). Left all other options throughout the installation at their default settings.
  • Running git config —global —list in Git Bash showed my same username and email. No need to reset.
  • Running which git in RStudio’s shell returned the git.exe location.
  • All git commands work in RStudio’s shell now.
  • Am able to set username and email in RStudio’s shell.
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Perhaps this is worth noting in the book? A good spot would be under section 8.1 here, since related notes for Windows users are already there.

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